Monday, December 27, 2004

Get your Pimp Name! How to be a true PIMP!

Apparently, my "pimp name" is Reverend Doctor Christopher Rockefeller. Looks like it's time to engrave some new business cards!

Although violence against women is, y'know, wrong.
Meteor showers to devastate planet Earth - PRAVDA.Ru

Great. As if there's not enough to worry about.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Bad, maladjusted kitty!
If Wal Mart were a nation it would be ranked 19th biggest economically.

Monday, December 13, 2004

iPod vs. The Cassette
Just in time for Christmas....a comparative study.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Play Infocom Adventures Online

Bored? Visit this page to play any number of old Infocom games. Takes me back to the days I was a subscriber to Enter magazine.
(I had that issue, BTW. How do I remember that?)