Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Play Infocom Adventures Online

Bored? Visit this page to play any number of old Infocom games. Takes me back to the days I was a subscriber to Enter magazine.
(I had that issue, BTW. How do I remember that?)


Elaine said...

DOS. Awesome! I almost remember what that is.

BTW, I never thought of K.I.T.T. as Darth Vader's toilet before...interesting.

K.I.T.T...the only cool Trans Am that ever was.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!
[url=http://pueawini.com/nkme/kbkh.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://bfwthllu.com/lkcl/zpjs.html]Cool site[/url]

Anonymous said...

Great work!
My homepage | Please visit

Anonymous said...

Great work!
http://pueawini.com/nkme/kbkh.html | http://vlqbamlr.com/lcws/rkyv.html